Praxis News

Praxis News

 Frei von Allergien durch einen gesunden Darm

Frei von Allergien durch einen gesunden Darm

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 Frei von Allergien durch einen gesunden Darm

Frei von Allergien durch einen gesunden Darm

27.03.24 -

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 5 tips for well-being at Christmas time

5 tips for well-being at Christmas time

The Christmas holidays are coming - far too quickly, as always. Are you already well prepared? Have you planned the party, thought up a menu, bought presents, organised your...

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 5 tips for well-being at Christmas time

5 tips for well-being at Christmas time

15.12.23 - The Christmas holidays are coming - far too quickly, as always. Are you already well prepared? Have you planned the party, thought up a menu, bought presents, organised your...

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 Energy through exercise - 5 tips for the winter

Energy through exercise - 5 tips for the winter

I"He who rests, rusts" is a well-known saying. Many people stop their regular exercise programme, which is a matter of course in summer, during the cold season. There are all...

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 Energy through exercise - 5 tips for the winter

Energy through exercise - 5 tips for the winter

24.11.23 - I"He who rests, rusts" is a well-known saying. Many people stop their regular exercise programme, which is a matter of course in summer, during the cold season. There are all...

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 Marmas and Shrotas - the secret of the energy channels

Marmas and Shrotas - the secret of the energy channels

In Ayurveda, the most subtle life energy is called prana. We absorb prana through the air we breathe. This energy is essential for life. When we are tired or ill, the cause is...

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 Marmas and Shrotas - the secret of the energy channels

Marmas and Shrotas - the secret of the energy channels

17.11.23 - In Ayurveda, the most subtle life energy is called prana. We absorb prana through the air we breathe. This energy is essential for life. When we are tired or ill, the cause is...

Artikel lesen
 Meditation as a source of vital energy

Meditation as a source of vital energy

n the month of November, we will be focussing on the topic of "energy". Where do I get the energy for a fulfilled life? Many people who visit us at soma ask themselves this...

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 Meditation as a source of vital energy

Meditation as a source of vital energy

03.11.23 - n the month of November, we will be focussing on the topic of "energy". Where do I get the energy for a fulfilled life? Many people who visit us at soma ask themselves this...

Artikel lesen
 Transcendental Meditation - Interview with Anita Gmeiner

Transcendental Meditation - Interview with Anita Gmeiner

When did you learn to meditate and with whom? I learnt Transcendental Meditation from Barbara Diewald and Günter Rickal at soma about 2 years ago. I came across TM through...

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 Transcendental Meditation - Interview with Anita Gmeiner

Transcendental Meditation - Interview with Anita Gmeiner

03.11.23 - When did you learn to meditate and with whom? I learnt Transcendental Meditation from Barbara Diewald and Günter Rickal at soma about 2 years ago. I came across TM through...

Artikel lesen
 10 tips for a strong immune system by Dr Schachinger

10 tips for a strong immune system by Dr Schachinger

At the end of our series on the immune system, the golden autumn is over and the damp and cold autumn weather reminds us of the coming winter. A first wave of infections has...

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 10 tips for a strong immune system by Dr Schachinger

10 tips for a strong immune system by Dr Schachinger

27.10.23 - At the end of our series on the immune system, the golden autumn is over and the damp and cold autumn weather reminds us of the coming winter. A first wave of infections has...

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 Strengthen the immune system in autumn

Strengthen the immune system in autumn

Anyone who follows the current infection figures has already noticed: it is getting cooler and the number of new illnesses caused by infections is increasing. Maharishi...

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 Strengthen the immune system in autumn

Strengthen the immune system in autumn

06.10.23 - Anyone who follows the current infection figures has already noticed: it is getting cooler and the number of new illnesses caused by infections is increasing. Maharishi...

Artikel lesen
 Immune system - Interview with Jana Schachinger

Immune system - Interview with Jana Schachinger

What measures strengthen the immune system? There are many. I will list a few A healthy diet Drinking enough Exercise in the fresh air Get enough sleep Avoid stress...

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 Immune system - Interview with Jana Schachinger

Immune system - Interview with Jana Schachinger

03.10.23 - What measures strengthen the immune system? There are many. I will list a few A healthy diet Drinking enough Exercise in the fresh air Get enough sleep Avoid stress...

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 Strengthen the child's immune system

Strengthen the child's immune system

"Every autumn I am afraid of starting kindergarten and school. The children bring home every infection then," a concerned mother tells us. How can you strengthen a child's...

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 Strengthen the child's immune system

Strengthen the child's immune system

22.09.23 - "Every autumn I am afraid of starting kindergarten and school. The children bring home every infection then," a concerned mother tells us. How can you strengthen a child's...

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